
What music reveals about our minds



Music is a powerful tool to access information about ourselves. Two recent studies are offering new insights into how our favorite tunes are linked to memories and our personalities — and how those connections can make lives better.


Hearing a favorite, familiar or "throwback" song can instantly transport you to another moment of your life, bringing back details in startling clarity. And it's not just a fanciful feeling — there's science behind how our minds connect music with memory.


There has long been a beneficial association between music and patients with Alzheimer's or dementia. Repeatedly listening to music that is personally meaningful has been found to improve the brain's adaptability in patients with early Alzheimer's disease or mild cognitive impairment.



1. access /ˈæk.ses/ to be able to use or obtain something such as a service 获取

  • We advise staff on how to access appropriate training.

2. insight /ˈɪn.saɪt/ (the ability to have) a clear, deep, and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation 深刻见解

  • It was an interesting book, full of fascinating insights into human relationships.

3. throwback /ˈθrəʊ.bæk/ something that is like a thing from an earlier time 回到过去

  • This year’s styles are throwbacks to the fashions of the 1940s.

4. Alzheimer’s /ˈɔltsˌhɑɪmərz/a disease that results in the gradual loss of memory, speech, movement, and the ability to think clearly, and that is common esp. among older people 阿尔兹海默症

  • Although Alzheimer's disease is the most important cause of dementia, there are few epidemiological data on the illness.

5. dementia /dɪˈmen.ʃə/ a medical condition that affects especially old people, causing the memory and other mental abilities to gradually become worse, and leading to confused behaviour 痴呆症

  • The most common form of dementia is Alzheimer's disease.



Listening to music with a special meaning stimulated neural pathways in the brain that helped them maintain higher levels of functioning, according to Michael Thaut, who was senior author of a study conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto.


These songs held unique significance, like music the people danced to at their wedding, and led to increased memory performance on tests. The findings could support the inclusion of music-based therapy in the treatment of cognitively impaired patients in the future.


Changes were most notable in the prefrontal cortex, known as the control center of the brain, where decision-making, social behavior moderation, personality expression and the planning of complex mental behavior occur.


When the patients heard music that was personal to them, it powered up a musical neural network connecting different regions of the brain, based on MRIs taken of the patients before and after listening to the music. This differed from when they heard new, unfamiliar music, which only triggered a specific part of the brain tuned into listening.


There were only 14 participants in the study, including six musicians, and they listened to specially curated playlists for an hour a day over three weeks. But these participants are the same ones from an earlier study that identified the neural mechanisms for preserving music-related memories in those experiencing early cognitive decline.


